Weekly Mission Update – Moon Base
From “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
To “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>
CC “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Samuel Naveresch” <samuel.naveresch@lunovos.com>; “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>; “Evan Nild” <evan.nild@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Friday Lam” <friday.lam@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
Hello all,
We have made no real progress this week, due to an incident on the base, which some of you are aware of.
Therefore I have no real mission update for you all, except to say we are handling the problem and it is progressing well.
Many thanks
Re: Re: Detective
From “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
To “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>
Hi Dr Novaheim,
Thank you very much. They’ll be in touch soon.
Many thanks,
From “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
To “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>
Hi Dr Novaheim,
I think the detective we’re working with would benefit from your expertise – do you mind if I put them in touch with you?
Many thanks
Re: Cancel Comms Time Off
From “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>
To “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>
CC “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>
OK will do
Re: Murder on the Moon
From “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>
To “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
CC “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>; “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
Oh no, that’s sad
Re: Re: Murder on the Moon
From “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>
To “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>
CC “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>; “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
On it
Re: Murder on the Moon
From “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>
To “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
CC “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
Shocking news.
I hope this is resolved swiftly. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Felix – can we prepare a statement on this, but let’s hold off on releasing until we know more details.
This goes without saying, but not a word of this to anyone outside senior management, we need to control the release of this information.
Murder on the Moon
From “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
To “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>
CC “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
I’m sorry to inform you of this, but one of our astronauts, Samuel Daniels, has been murdered.
We are investigating this with the help of an outside investigator from The Detective Society.
Please assist the investigation in any way possible.
Oat Milk
From “Bernardo Ivers” <bernardo.ivers@lunovos.com>
To “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>
Did you take my oat milk from the fridge?
Weekly Mission Update – Moon Base
From “Rosalie Hardy” <rosalie.hardy@lunovos.com>
To “Johan Wolfe” <johan.wolfe@lunovos.com>
CC “Dr Serena Novaheim” <serena.novaheim@lunovos.com>; “Fran Nimberlake” <francesca.nimberlake@lunovos.com>; “Abhijeet Tate” <abhijeet.tate@lunovos.com>; “Samuel Naveresch” <samuel.naveresch@lunovos.com>; “Felix Siddall” <felix.siddall@lunovos.com>; “Evan Nild” <evan.nild@lunovos.com>; “Dr Prashant Nardoso” <prashant.nardoso@lunovos.com>; “Friday Lam” <friday.lam@lunovos.com>; “Miller Neyton” <miller.neuton@lunovos.com>
Dear all,
Here is your weekly update on our progress.
Many thanks